Hello world!

This is my blog.  I will blog here maybe.  Bloggity bloggity blog.  I feel very much like a blogger.  Lookit me! Blogging.

This is just a test.  Check… ch…ch…check one, two, three…Is this thing on?  Now is the winter of our discontent… more voice on the monitor, Bob.  Yeah good, thanks.  Check one, check one, two, three… HELLO NEW YORK!spider-guarding-eggs-683251-ga

This is a picture of a spider with a happy face.  Don’t be fooled by this spider.  It is not happy to see you.  Not happy at all.  However, its presence demonstrates my ability to upload a picture file.

I wonder what else I can do.augustine problem of communication

That is a concept map.  It is a work of genius.  Even the spider likes it.

Let’s try to paste something from Word:

The Mind Halved by the Horizon:  Anamorphosis in The Revenger’s Tragedy

Toward the end of The Revenger’s Tragedy, after what we would take to be the climactic murder of the Duke, the agents of his death, Vindici and Hippolyto, discover that their work of purgation is not done. The brothers are hired by Lussurioso, the Duke’s son, to murder again, this time Vindici’s own alter-ego, Piato, in whose guise he has effected his diabolical revenge.  Piato’s crime, Lussurioso says, is pandering; a “bone-setter” by his own admission, Piato has allegedly encouraged Lussurioso to try the chastity of Castiza, the brothers’ aptly-named sister.  But, Lussurioso piously insists, he would never do such a thing:

I, far from thinking any virgin harm,

Especially knowing her to be as chaste

As that part which scarce suffers to be touched—

Th’eye—would not endure him.


Hmm, some funky business with the formatting in the cut-and-paste there.  Will have to remember that.  Spider is not amused.  Again, the grin is not indicative of spider’s state of mind.

THX Dramatic Look

Hmm.  Okay, so you have to CTL + click to open the YouTube in a new window.  It would be more fun if the video could be embedded a la YouTube embedding function.  Maybe there is a way to do that.

ETA:  There is a way to do that (thanks to the wonderfully patient people at the CTLT I learned to click the right clicky button):


It is a mystery to me at this time.  Therefore, I give this one a 6/10 on the awesomeness scale, although the creature in the video seems much more gobsmacked than the occasion warrants.   This creature is fantastic.  On the Spider scale:  5 of 8 thumbs up. ETA:  I change my rating on the awesomeness scale to 500/10 . On the Spider scale:  9 of 8 thumbs up. ETAA: With the fullness of time, lo, the video has been taken away.  I don’t know why.  On the Spider scale, 0 of 8 thumbs.

On the whole, this blogging thing seems like it could work.  I’m for it.  Someone should really run with this “blogging” idea.

In sum:  Good night, ladies. Good night, sweet ladies.  Peace out.

Um… okay, so how do I get out of here?  Helloooo?  I’m stuck in this window!  Where’s the “post now” button?!  I can’t find the… oh, okay, there it is.

ETA: I’m back, editing, to see if I can edit.  I have to say, however, that I”m not entirely sure how I posted the thing in the first place, or how to find it after or anything like that.  If I close this window, I will never find my blog again.  I’m quite sure I’ll get the hang of it, though.  Really.  I’m very confident.  Look at spider.  Spider is very confident.

ETA:  Spider should be a motivational speaker… or smiler.  Because, lo, I have found my way back here.  And I’ve made pages and added links to my link list.  Go me.  Thanks for the tough love, spider.

One Reply to “Hello world!”

  1. Dear Comment,

    You are very helpful, but I would prefer that you say something witty and thought-provoking about my spider.

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